The Original Concept for Project Galactic Was Born, Originally named Bambi's Galactic Corn Farm. Only Planning to contain Bambi, Dave and Gargol , The Mod was gonna be around 4 songs long, without anything special, other than that, the mod didnt get far before cancelation
After Taxi was fired from Donut Mix due to internal conflicts, they decided to build their own Dave and Bambi mod out of songs they made for Donut Mix, Which would eventually turn to Taxi Overload. The Mod was originally ment to use standard DnB 2.5 assets before hazy did the artwork for the mod
Early Version of Aggravated
Early Version of Charm
Very Early Version of Crop (Originally Called Split)
August 2022
August is when the mod finally got its stand out point, space, based on the old concepts the mod started taking shape, sprites were done, the demo was finished and released and the name was finally finalzed, from Taxi Overload to Bambi's Galactic Corn Farm and then to Project Galactic.